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Fresh green

We are only beginning to understand the impact indoor air quality has on our mental health and work performance, but so far, the introduction of...

Simple space

Our environments shape us in ways we never imagined. The same is true for plants. Creating a safe space for your plants takes a little trial and error...

Little flowers

More than anything, plants need light and water. It's the lifesource for all vital plant functions. Find out why, how much and what type of light your...

Red flowers

Water is amazing. Made up of hydrogen and oxygen, it's literally responsible for all life on Earth. Watering your plant is a no brainer, but how much...


We are only beginning to understand the impact indoor air quality has on our mental health and work performance, but so far, the introduction of...

Garden Coffee

Plants absorb harmful toxins, breaking them down into gentle byproducts, and storing them in their soil to use later for food. When you feel a little...

Beautiful place

Our environments shape us in ways we never imagined. The same is true for plants. Creating a safe space for your plants takes a little trial and error...
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